Housewrap solutions are well-established and commonly used but have a number of potential issues that Arctek® Dryshell™ overcomes.
As an integrated vapour-permeable overlay for OSB sheathing boards, Arctek® Dryshell™ removes tricky installation details, reduces the time and cost of installing timber frame solutions on site, and ensures that no moisture can get into the structure. Timber framed housing manufacturers and suppliers can make improvements to their processes and take greater advantage of the growing timber frame market in the UK.
What function do Arctek® Dryshell™ and the more traditional housewraps have
Housewrap products are installed to the outside face of timber framed structures. They principally act as a vapour-permeable ‘breather’ membrane behind the chosen external finish (such as a brick outer leaf).
This means they help to resist the ingress of moisture from external sources into the structure, while allowing any moisture vapour within the structure to escape to the external air (moisture vapour molecules being considerably smaller than liquid water molecules).
Housewrap products are also commonly marketed based on their ability to improve airtightness, thereby helping to retain warm air within dwellings.
Arctek® Dryshell™ offers the same moisture-resistant, vapour-permeable qualities with improved airtightness. As an integrated overlay that is bonded to OSB board in the factory, it delivers its performance in a completely different way and offers multiple benefits to timber frame manufacturers and installers. Arctek® Dryshell™ can be used with timber frame cassettes or SIP panels.
How are housewrap products and Arctek® Dryshell™ installed to timber frames?
Traditional housewraps are nailed and stapled to the timber frame to secure them in place. Experienced installers may be able to do this quickly, but there remains a risk of the housewrap being torn or ripped during installation, especially in windy conditions.
Arctek® Dryshell™ is ‘fused’ to the cassette or panel, so the timber frame structure has the overlay in place when it arrives on site. It removes that element of installation entirely from the on-site operations, requiring only that the joints be taped. Projects therefore save time and money through reduced labour and a more efficient build overall.
Are housewraps and Arctek® Dryshell™ fully sealed against moisture and dirt?
Nailing and stapling housewraps introduces the risk of them being ripped or torn, however skilled or experienced the installer might be.
Different sections of the wrap must also be lapped correctly to provide the intended barrier, with the wrap manufacturer’s overlap measurements being carefully observed. Laps must go in the right direction, with upper pieces lapping over the sections below, and sections of wrap being staggered to prevent joints coinciding.
Site installation introduces tricky details, especially at window openings, and particular care is required to make sure the lowest timber is covered by the wrap. Any failure in this detailing during installation risks moisture and dirt penetrating behind the wrap and into the frame structure.
Wraps should be left exposed for as little time as possible prior to installing the dwelling’s external finish, but delays can and do occur. Housewraps can be left exposed for up to four months – a long time for any faults in the wrap application to be exposed to weather. And if a delay goes beyond that period, the dwelling must be wrapped all over again.
The chemically bonded nature of Arctek® Dryshell™ again brings multiple advantages in comparison – including up to 180 days of exposure on site.
There is no risk of rips or tears, meaning moisture cannot become trapped within the system. The continuous nature of the Arctek® Dryshell™ overlay with taped joints delivers consistent vapour control and offers better prevention of air leakage.
Housebuilders can be assured that their chosen panel or cassette system will be unaffected by weather and will deliver the intended energy efficiency once installed, contributing to a warm and comfortable home for homeowners to enjoy. To find out more about how Arctek® Dryshell™ can benefit your timber frame projects, request a sample or talk to us.